Data Scientist and Technical Writer

White Fonting can Land You a Job Interview - YouTube
White Fonting can Land You a Job Interview - YouTube

White Fonting Can Land You a Job Interview. White Fonting is nothing but a way to outsmart Artificial intelligence. It is related to applying for a job and get…

Video Editor
Video Producer

Implementing Customer Segmentation Using Machine Learning [Begi…
Implementing Customer Segmentation Using Machine Learning [Begi…

These days, you can personalize everything. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach. But, for business, this is actually a great thing.

ML Engineer
Content Writer
Technical Writer

Chat Bot using Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Keras and NLTK - …
Chat Bot using Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Keras and NLTK - …

Introduction Chatbots are often used by businesses and organizations to automate customer service, sales, and marketing interactions.

ML Engineer
Content Writer
Technical Writer

Neural Network From Scratch in Python

Demystifying the so-called Black Box of Neural Network

ML Engineer
Technical Writer