Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE

Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE on My EPOXY FLOOR JOURNEY

My Content doesn’t have a niche therefore I like to have all kinds of categories for Content. It’s my creativity hence why I utilize Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE

Content Writer
Content Creator
iPad Pro
Microsoft Office 365

Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE on Using Your Imagination
Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE on Using Your Imagination

This is short clip of new iPhone 13 I wanted to take my audience out of their comfort zone and utilize sales pitches on products and see if it really works.

Content Writer
Content Creator

Debbie Diaz Reporting LIVE on Beeeee Creative

I wanted to try putting together a longer video and editing it with the vision I had in my head of a short story line with a little funny craziness in it.

Lead Generator
Content Writer