I design Digital and Industrial Products.

Abstrakt: Smart Contract Wallet :: Behance
Abstrakt: Smart Contract Wallet :: Behance

A general view of a project I did for blockchain account abstraction using smart contract wallets.

UX Researcher
UX Designer
Product Designer

Responsive Mini Keypad
Responsive Mini Keypad

A 3D keypad that responds to keypad strokes(1, 2, 3, Enter).

3D Designer

Project Credity: Peer to Peer Loans :: Behance
Project Credity: Peer to Peer Loans :: Behance

Case study for a cross platform peer to peer loan service.

UX Researcher
UX Designer
UI Designer

Clipboard Healthcare Landing Page Roast :: Behance
Clipboard Healthcare Landing Page Roast :: Behance

Analysis of a Landing page for a Healthcare Service Provider.

Web Designer
UX Researcher
UX Designer