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Vue.js is an open-source model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Vue.js is designed to be incrementally adoptable, and can be used as a library in an existing project, or as a framework for building new applications. It is also designed to be easy to learn, with a simple and intuitive API.

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

The Creator Tools Awards recognizes the best tools that power the jobs of the future. Voted on by a community of 500K+ independent creators.

Brought to you by Contra, the commission-free freelance platform.

Partner with Contra to grow your product with the power of community. Increase visibility, adoption and affinity with Contra's partner program.

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

The Creator Tools Awards recognizes the best tools that power the jobs of the future. Voted on by a community of 500K+ independent creators.

Brought to you by Contra, the commission-free freelance platform.

Partner with Contra to grow your product with the power of community. Increase visibility, adoption and affinity with Contra's partner program.

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

  • Creator Tools Awards

  • Powered by Contra

The Creator Tools Awards recognizes the best tools that power the jobs of the future. Voted on by a community of 500K+ independent creators.

Brought to you by Contra, the commission-free freelance platform.

Partner with Contra to grow your product with the power of community. Increase visibility, adoption and affinity with Contra's partner program.