Versatile Science & Tech Writer, STEM Content Specialist

Augmented Reality (AR) Article Writer
Augmented Reality (AR) Article Writer

Assigned to write augmented reality (AR) articles, whether it is news, guides, or analysis pieces.

Article Writer
Microsoft Office 365

Android News Writing
Android News Writing

Assigned as an Android news article writer, mostly specializing in featuring hardware-based news, announcements, updates, and analysis.

Article Writer

Productivity Tech Blog Writing
Productivity Tech Blog Writing

Assigned as a blog writer that discusses technology topics within the sub-category of productivity and work.

Blog Writer
Google Drive
Microsoft Word

Consumer Tech News Writer
Consumer Tech News Writer

Assigned as one of the team's variety writers for trending consumer tech news.

Article Writer

PC Hardware Specialist Writing
PC Hardware Specialist Writing

Assigned to write various PC hardware-related articles and guides.

Content Writer
Microsoft Word

General Tech Guide Writing
General Tech Guide Writing

Assigned as a feature writer to publish a short batch of articles guides on various general tech subjects.

Content Writer
Microsoft Office 365