Certified Project Manager & Agile Coach

Product Owner at ServiceRocket
Product Owner at ServiceRocket

Led Jira integration at ServiceRocket, improving client collaboration and reducing cycle times. Enhanced team efficiency and streamlined project management.

Product Manager
Project Manager
Business Analyst

Agile Product Management at Mozilla MDN
Agile Product Management at Mozilla MDN

Led Mozilla's MDN Agile transformation, increasing traffic by 200% through enhanced content processes and team collaboration.

Product Manager
Project Manager
Business Analyst

Agile Project Management at Bellwether Coffee's Software Group
Agile Project Management at Bellwether Coffee's Software Group

As an Agile coach contracted by Bellwether Coffee, I successfully guided the software group in adopting Scrum, resulting in optimized collaboration

Product Manager
Project Manager
Software Engineer

Implementation of a HMIS for a major hospital
Implementation of a HMIS for a major hospital

Hospital management system for a large hosptial in SE Nigeria meant to automate hospital's processes including revenue collection via cash and inventory mgmt

Product Manager
Project Manager
Business Analyst