Design Engineer (UI/UX + Frontend) & No-Code developer ✨

Framer: Daedalus Landing Page
Framer: Daedalus Landing Page

Get your website delivered in less than 48 hours. We offer speedy and fast design services at your disposal.

Product Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Web App: Construction App Design
Web App: Construction App Design

n I designed an intuitive user interface for a mobile and web application that facilitates real-time data input across various manufacturing phases for Creagh C

UX Engineer
UX Designer
Product Designer

Mobile: Finance App Design
Mobile: Finance App Design

I designed a mobile app for a web3 finance platform that allowed users to make transaction and convert currencies.

UX Designer
Product Designer

Led Research, Design System and Interface Design for ARDS Monito
Led Research, Design System and Interface Design for ARDS Monito

ICU Angel - Risk Monitoring Software Platform

UX Engineer
UX Designer
Product Designer

Framer E-Commerce  Design
Framer E-Commerce Design

Framer product design

Product Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Framer: E-Bike Landing Page Design
Framer: E-Bike Landing Page Design

I designed a landing page design for an e-bike sales company.

Product Designer
Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Led Research, Usability Analysis, and User Design for Defi Swap
UX Engineer
UX Designer
Product Designer

Framer: Web3 Landing Page Design
Framer: Web3 Landing Page Design

I designed a landing page for a web3 Defi and Yield Farm

Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Framer Web3 Fundraising Landing Page Design
UX Designer
Framer Designer

Led Design for Predictive Risk Platform, Securing Major Clients
UX Engineer
UX Designer
Product Designer