Passionate graphic designer and fashion stylist.

Designed and Made a Startup Business Presentation

I create custom PowerPoint presentations that elevate your message and engage your audience & ensure every slide is visually appealing and professionally design

Graphic Designer
Presentation Designer
Creative Design
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office 365

Store Revamping

I recently revamp a store, creating an inviting and engaging shopping experience for our valued customers. With a fresh layout, modern design elements.

Graphic Designer
Marketing Strategist
Creative Design
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Office 365

Entrepreneurial Project
Entrepreneurial Project

An online startup offering skill development toys for kids 0-3 years. The offered products will help the children's to improve their age appropriate milestones.

Fashion Designer
Graphic Designer
Creative Design
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Premiere Pro
Microsoft Office 365