Web developer

SiliconDrona Backend
SiliconDrona Backend

Welcome to SiliconDrona, where education meets seamless communication. Our backend platform serves as the heartbeat of a dynamic ecosystem connecting teachers

Graphic Designer
Mobile Engineer
Web Developer
Django REST framework

Sea Breeze Food Delivery
Sea Breeze Food Delivery

Sea Breeze Eats is your go-to destination for an exquisite seafood dining experience, delivered with speed and precision. Built on the robust foundation

Mobile Engineer
Web Developer
Database Administrator
Django REST framework
React Native

Eco-Merse Retail
Eco-Merse Retail

Eco-Merse is not just an online shopping app; it's a conscious choice towards a sustainable lifestyle. Developed with Django on the backend and seamlessly.

Graphic Designer
Mobile Engineer
Web Developer
Adobe XD
Microsoft Office 365
Microsoft Word