Passionate Technical Writer & Data Specialist

-Kenya 5th President-Sentimental-Analysis-Phython-
-Kenya 5th President-Sentimental-Analysis-Phython-

Kenya had a fierce 2022 election between two Kingpins, Hon. Raila Omolo Odinga and Dr. William Samoei Ruto. Each shared an almost equal number of following. I d

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Engineer


Investigating the relationship between employment levels and key demographic factors, including education, gender, race, and age categories.

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Analyst
Data Engineer

GitHub - Ndavucha/Predictive-Modeling-with-Jupyter-Notebook
GitHub - Ndavucha/Predictive-Modeling-with-Jupyter-Notebook

Contribute to Ndavucha/Predictive-Modeling-with-Jupyter-Notebook development by creating an account on GitHub.

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Visualizer
Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel