Magic is real, it just needs a little work!

Sustainable Living in the Metaverse
Sustainable Living in the Metaverse

The digital landscape as we know it will no longer exist in a few years.

Blog Writer

Celebrity NFTs - What Do They Actually Achieve?
Celebrity NFTs - What Do They Actually Achieve?

Canadian musician, Grimes, has sold $6 million worth of digital artworks owing to the fact that she was among the first to cash in on the NFT game.

Blog Writer

Why Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’ Will Transform Education
Why Elon Musk’s ‘Starlink’ Will Transform Education

SpaceX’s Starlink will provide the world with low-cost, high-performance internet around the world.

Blog Writer

A New Era of E-commerce -Bringing Crypto to the Masses
A New Era of E-commerce -Bringing Crypto to the Masses

Exeno is on the verge of creating a fully-fledged crypto commerce ecosystem where customers can leverage the upcoming EXN Coin to redeem benefits.

Blog Writer

Benefits of having a decentralized entertainment industry
Benefits of having a decentralized entertainment industry

Cryptocurrency and NFTs are rapidly revolutionizing the way movies will be funded and distributed in the future.

Blog Writer

Video scriptwriting
Video scriptwriting

Projects and reviews from customers who create content in a variety of different niches & industries.

Content Editor
Script Writer
Google Drive

👩‍🏫 5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Teacher
👩‍🏫 5 Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Teacher

Imposter syndrome: loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud.

Blog Writer

📚 Why You Should Provide Additional Resources With Your Course
📚 Why You Should Provide Additional Resources With Your Course

A variety of learning resources also helps students with different styles of learning absorb information.

Blog Writer