Quick & Beautiful Graphic Designs

Social Media IG Stories
Social Media IG Stories

Created IG stories on Adobe InDesign.

Graphic Designer
Social Media Manager
Social Content Design
Adobe InDesign

Brand Product Whitepaper Design
Brand Product Whitepaper Design

The client was looking for a whitepaper document to show off their product. The document was designed to effectively communicate the product's strengths.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Creative Design

12 Month Email Newsletter Real Estate
12 Month Email Newsletter Real Estate

The client was looking for a professional 12-month email newsletter design with relevant real estate content for their clients.

Graphic Designer
Email Marketer
Email Marketing Designer

Brocheure/Flyer Design for University
Brocheure/Flyer Design for University

The client was looking for a professional flyer design for university services. Created in Adobe Indesign and with university brand guidelines in mind.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Print Designer
Adobe InDesign

Real Estate Flyer/Document Design
Real Estate Flyer/Document Design

Document design for client. Custom Seller's and Buyer's guidebook to provide to real estate clients. Each book is 24+ pages.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Creative Design

Social Media Posts
Social Media Posts

Created an array of bright and playful social media posts. All images were taken, edited, and then designed into social media posts.

Graphic Designer
Social Media Manager
Social Content Design
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop

Brand Guideline Standards Document Design
Brand Guideline Standards Document Design

Created a comprehensive brand guideline standard document for client. The content was collected, organized and designed to be easily digestible.

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Editorial Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign