Product Designer | UI/UX Designer

BookedEZ App
BookedEZ App

I designed and managed the app from concept to development, ensuring a smooth process across design, development, and marketing.

UX Researcher
Product Designer

Project Management for Mobile App Development
Project Management for Mobile App Development

Adefila managed the development of a mobile app from concept to launch, ensuring timely delivery and high-quality performance.

UX Researcher
Product Designer
Web Developer
Google Meet

Quick Invoice Maker
Quick Invoice Maker

Quick Invoice is an app that allows users to effortlessly create invoices, estimates, waybills, and letterheads. I designed the interface with user-friendly nav

Product Manager
UX Researcher
Product Designer

Elite Property Real Estate
Elite Property Real Estate

Elite Property is a user-friendly landing page designed to simplify the process of buying or renting a house, ensuring a stress-free experience for users as the

Web Designer