Mimir, a little and brave chameleon, is the protagonist of the serie. Driven by curiosity, he will leave his planet, Mimiro for the adventure of his life. In...
I create unique custom portraits, in my own artistic style, using acrilic and markers into the final product. This is an example from a serie.
This project was dedicated to Iași and its touristic potential. My job was to create this 7 iconic characters, with different personalities and stories behind.
Logo done for a string quartet in Iasi, Romania
Logo done for Atlasul Deliciilor.
Poetry by: Roman Stefan-Bogdan Book illustration: Ioana Adelina Boroș Nr. of illustrations: 94 Cover design: Ioana Adelina Boroș
“Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.”― Oscar Wilde Painting exibition by Ioana Adelina Boroș