Frontend Engineer | VueJs/ReactJS | Web Developer

Fashion Ecommerce - Shopping
Fashion Ecommerce - Shopping

Fashion Ecommerce - Shopping is the trading of goods and services and helps businesses attract more customers and grow profit using creatives.

Frontend Engineer
Graphic Designer
UX Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Visual Studio Code

Book summary App
Book summary App

These book summary apps and websites saves your time by learning the key insights of best selling books in minutes. Chech it out!

Frontend Engineer
UX Designer
Web Developer
Visual Studio Code

React Movie-Search App
React Movie-Search App

Movie Search Web app, that allow you to see all neccessary info about the particular movie search like: date, imdb Rating, type, etc

Frontend Engineer
Graphic Designer
UX Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Visual Studio Code


My personal portfolio! You can find out more about me on this site, An overview of my skills and work experience.

Frontend Engineer
Graphic Designer
UX Designer
Adobe Photoshop
Visual Studio Code