Writer (Content | Technical | Copy)

Articles about Liverpool Football Club for RushTheKop.com
Articles about Liverpool Football Club for RushTheKop.com

A monthly contribution of articles talking all things Liverpool FC. Opinion pieces, data-driven pieces and personal experience pieces are part of the package.

Content Writer
Article Writer
Blog Writer
Google Docs

Technical Writer
Technical Writer

A technical document describing the components of the Security module used within a Customer Relationship Management System. The system is used in a Call Centre

Technical Writer
Microsoft Word

Gurdwara Sahib Leamington Warwick Sikh Wedding Photography
Gurdwara Sahib Leamington Warwick Sikh Wedding Photography

Gurdwara Sahib Leamington Sikh wedding guide. Leamington Sikh Temple has been an amazing location for Sikh wedding photography for years.

Content Writer
Article Writer
Blog Writer
Microsoft Word

2NV Worldwide Roadshow Case Study
2NV Worldwide Roadshow Case Study

Provided a compelling Case Study for the services provided by 2NV Roadshow. The copy is engaging which includes a CTA.

Google Docs
Hemingway App