Animated gif clickable email signature with your photo or avatar

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About this service


Why are our signatures the best?
Because we create personalized signatures with avatar, photos, animated logos and averything will have movement.
Nothing stay still!

What's included

  • Animated gif clickable email signature with your photo or avatar

    We will create an animated GIF for your email signature by using your logo or images. You just describe your idea, and we will bring it to life with eye-catching cool effects. What do we need? Your logo (if you have the vector file, even better) The information you want to include in the signature And you're all set! In no time, you'll have your animated signature. We also offer the option for your signature to be clickable, allowing for various actions such as viewing your social media, scheduling an appointment, sending an email... whatever you desire. ¡Check out the Gig for Clickable Animated Signatures in our profile! Dont hesitate and contact us so we can transform your boring signature into a professional signature that will attract attention and be the envy of all your colleagues.

Skills and tools

2D Animator
Adobe Animate
Adobe Photoshop

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