Frontend Engineering

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About this service


Proficient in Angular, React, Ionic, Saas, and JavaScript, I specialize in developing responsive and visually stunning web applications. I excel in cross-functional teams, ensuring pixel-perfect implementation of designs and optimizing web performance. Being self-driven, proactive, and a good communicator, I am also able to effectively collaborate with stakeholders.

What's included

  • Responsive Web Application development

    I will develop responsive web applications that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. Using modern HTML5 and CSS3 techniques, I will ensure that your website is mobile-friendly and accessible to a wide range of users.

  • Frontend Development

    Leveraging my expertise in JavaScript and frontend frameworks, I will implement the front-end logic of your application. Whether it's building interactive components, integrating APIs, or handling data manipulation, I will write clean and efficient code to deliver a smooth and seamless user experience.

  • Integration with Backend

    If your project requires integration with a backend system or API, I am proficient in working with RESTful APIs and can effectively collaborate with backend developers to ensure smooth data exchange and functionality

  • Testing and Debugging

    I will rigorously test your application to identify and fix any bugs or issues. Through comprehensive testing, I will ensure that your website is reliable, performs optimally, and provides a seamless experience for end-users.

  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Setup

    I will establish a robust CI/CD pipeline for your software project. This includes setting up version control systems such as Git, ensuring proper branching and merging strategies, and implementing automated testing and deployment processes. Version Control: I will utilize Git as the version control system to track changes, manage code collaboration, and ensure version control best practices. By leveraging Git, I will enable efficient team collaboration, easy code rollback, and seamless integration with CI/CD pipelines. Continuous Integration: I will configure CI tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or CircleCI to automate the build and integration processes. This involves setting up build scripts, running automated tests, and generating build artifacts. With CI in place, you can ensure that code changes are regularly integrated, tested, and validated, reducing the risk of integration issues. Continuous Delivery: I will establish a streamlined deployment process, allowing for automated and controlled releases of your application. By implementing CD tools like Docker or Kubernetes, I can containerize your application and automate the deployment process to various environments, ensuring consistency and reliability. Deployment Strategies: I will help you define deployment strategies, such as blue-green or canary deployments, to minimize downtime and ensure smooth transitions between versions. These strategies enable you to release new features or updates gradually and validate them in production with minimal disruption.

Skills and tools

Frontend Engineer

Work with me