Brand-Centric Motion Graphics Design

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About this service


I am delighted to embark on this motion graphics project journey with you. The following list details the deliverables you can expect to receive throughout the course of our collaboration. The aim is to ensure a transparent, efficient, and collaborative design process that fully meets your needs and vision. I will incorporate your provided assets - including brand files, logos, other imagery, voiceover, and music - into each stage of the project, creating a final motion graphics video that's in perfect harmony with your brand identity. Please review this list to gain an understanding of the key milestones, your role in providing certain elements, and what you can expect from us at each stage.

  1. Project Brief and Timeline: A comprehensive document that outlines the project's purpose, target audience, key messages, style, and timeline, including all important dates and milestones.
  2. Client Assets Review: An examination and evaluation of the client's supplied assets, which may include brand files, logos, other imagery, voiceover, and music. This step ensures everything is in the correct format and quality for inclusion in the motion graphics project.
  3. Initial Concept Sketches: Preliminary sketches or storyboards which factor in the client's provided assets. These visual ideas will guide the layout, design elements, and the sequence of movements in the motion graphics.
  4. Style Frames: These are refined static visuals incorporating the client's provided assets, showing how key frames of the final animation might look. This helps to align the style of the motion graphics with the client's existing brand identity.
  5. Motion Test Clips: Short animated sequences that demonstrate how elements of the graphics will move and transition. These tests ensure that the animation's rhythm and flow align with the client's voiceover and music.
  6. Animation Draft with Client-provided Assets: A near-final version of the motion graphics video, incorporating all the client's provided assets such as brand files, logos, other imagery, voiceover, and music. Feedback will be solicited at this stage to ensure the client's vision is being accurately represented.
  7. Final Motion Graphics Video: After all client feedback has been addressed and necessary adjustments made, this will be the completed motion graphics video. The final product will seamlessly integrate the client's provided assets, voiceover, and music into a cohesive and impactful motion graphics video.
  8. Source Files: As per the agreement, the source files of the project can be provided. This gives the client or another designer the flexibility to make future modifications to the motion graphics.
  9. Documentation and Guidelines: This includes instructions on how to use or adapt the motion graphics, information about the software required to view or edit the files, and any style guidelines followed during the design process.

What's included

  • Motion Graphics Animation

    Final Motion Graphics Video: This will be a polished version of the video, where all edits have been made based on the feedback received. The video will be rendered in high quality and in the agreed-upon format, ready for your client's use. Source Files: If agreed upon in the project scope, you will deliver all working files used in creating the motion graphics. These may include files from software like Adobe After Effects, Illustrator, or any other software used.

Skills and tools

Motion Designer
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Illustrator
Cinema 4D

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