Improving website's performance

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About this service


The goal of this engagement is to analyze your current website performance and implement targeted enhancements to dramatically improve page load times, site responsiveness, and key speed metrics. The process will include:

Discovery Phase

Run initial speed tests using Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, WebPageTest and Chrome Developer Tools to establish a performance benchmark. Identify areas for improvement.

Audit site architecture and server configuration for optimization opportunities.

Review usage of existing caching mechanisms like Redis or Varnish.

Evaluate third party tools and integrations impacting site performance.

Document current page load times, TTFB, TTI, and other critical metrics.

Optimization Phase

Refactor inefficient code, streamline JavaScript/CSS, and clean up sloppy markup and formatting to boost performance.

Apply code minification, compression, lazy loading, and concatenation to resources.

Resize and optimize all images per best practices. Implement CDN for images.

Utilize browser caching and add expires headers for static resources.

Migrate blocking resources like CSS/JS to asynchronously load.

Optimize web fonts for faster rendering.

Evaluate and implement optimal caching mechanisms and content delivery network.

Testing & Implementation

Perform ongoing speed tests using Lighthouse to verify performance gains from optimizations.

Run tests across different devices, connections, and real world scenarios.

Address any new issues or opportunities discovered.

Work closely with you on implementation plan, addressing impacts.

Provide detailed recommendations for maintaining optimal performance.


Deliver comprehensive report spotlighting all enhancements made and quantified speed improvements.

Provide clear insights around how problems were identified and solved.

Set ongoing benchmarks and performance budget thresholds.

Monitor site for continued speed. Advise on additional optimization opportunities.

What's included

  • Improving Website Performance Metrics

    Through comprehensive performance analysis and targeted technical enhancements, website load times and speed metrics will be improved to exceed industry benchmarks. The goal is faster page loads, higher Google PageSpeed scores, and exceedance of key web performance thresholds - creating a speedier, more responsive website.

Skills and tools

Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer

Work with me