Community Management

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About this service


It's quite simple: Sell something that the people want and they will buy.
So you're selling what you think they want...but are you really?
Community Management is all about the art of walking that fine line to serve the best interests of both a business and its customers.
I offer expertise in being able to squeeze as much user feedback into real applicable knowledge (which will generate and retain sales) while also cultivating a healthy and active community surrounding the brand.
This can involve engaging through a proprietary platform, social media websites or chat applications.
With all that said, we are ultimately looking to provide a fun and positive experience for our users, so that they can't help but sing our praises. This does mean that your Community Manager will need to be a happy, charismatic and generally awesome person.
As your Community Manager, I will provide:
My happy, charismatic and generally awesome personality.
A honed and strengthened brand personality, if necessary.
Organisation of social media presence & review platforms (potential for marketing)
Engagement that meets brand guidelines.
A company/brand communication tone.
Identification and targeting of our key audience.
Through daily engagement; an ever-stronger relationship with users along the way.
Feedback of user feedback to Business/Systems analysts (or other appropriate individuals) to introduce service improvements.
Where do we go from here?
Each organisation is entirely unique and while I can promise the world to you, it's always best to discuss needs and expectations to ensure we're taking the best approach for the business.
Please feel free to drop me a message or call with no obligation and we'll see if the glove fits.

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