UX/Product Research

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About this service


Behind every beloved product is thoughtful design. Peel back even further, and behind the design is the UX research that informs every facet of a product's direction.

I specialize in conducting comprehensive research to deeply understand your users' behaviors, pain points, and needs. My human-centered approach prioritizes the humans on the other side of the screen and their full journey with your product. I’ll use both quantitative and qualitative research approaches, document my findings, and provide actionable recommendations to improve your digital products.

As your trusted UX research collaborator, I'll bring you...

  • Expertise: With years of experience in UX research and design, I have worked on existing products and designed products from the ground up.
  • Actionable Insights: In addition to sharing my highly detailed findings, I also provide actionable recommendations to improve your product's user experience.
  • Timely Delivery: I deliver results promptly, helping you make informed decisions as soon as you can.

Let's work together to understand your users on a deeper level, discover ways to bring them value, and elevate your product vision to new heights!

What's included

  • User Interviews

    I'll conduct one-on-one interviews with your target audience to gain deep insights into their motivations, pain points, and expectations.

  • Usability Testing

    Should you have designs made, I'll evaluate the usability of your product by observing real users engaging with your prototype. I'll identify opportunities for improvement and make recommendations.

  • 2-3 Personas

    Based on research findings, I'll create a tangible representation of who your target customer(s) are or will be. These personas will reflect the range of users your product will serve.

  • 1 Customer Journey Map

    I'll create a journey map painting a clear picture of what your users will experience from the beginning (discovering your product) to end (having their needs met).

  • Comprehensive Research Reports

    I will put together thorough documentation of research, interviews, and testing with key takeaways and recommendations.

Skills and tools

User Researcher
UX Researcher
Product Researcher

Work with me