AI SaaS Application Development



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About this service


I will build the frontend, backend and AI agents for your AI SaaS product. Using my extensive experience of building, scaling and selling 2 AI SaaS applications, I will not only build but also help in product development.


I follow a battle tested process of building product in the least possible time. It is as follows:

  • Building and testing AI agent
  • Building the frontend and backend together using NextJs.
  • Develop the DB schema along the way
  • Deploy to the preferred platform
  • Document the product and code for future maintenance


  • How long will the product development take?

    This totally depends on the complexity of you application. I have launched 1-feature SaaS applications in less than 3 days as well. While more complex AI products with custom AI agents can take upto 1 month.

  • What kind of AI models do you integrate?

    We can help you integrate and fine tune all the popular LLMs including OpenAI, Claude, LLama, Mistral and more!

  • Do you also design the product?

    Even though I have some experience in designing the web applications, I am not an expert in the field. At the start, if you don't have any designs, I can use the famous libraries like Shadcn, Material design etc, to get the initial version of the product ready. If you can provide designs or wireframes of the product, then it will definitely speed up the development process

What's included

  • AI Model Integration

    - Integration of LLM models suitable for your specific business use cases. - Custom AI model fine tuning. - Building AI agent using Langchain and other tools

  • User Authentication and Authorization

    - Secure authentication system. - Role-based access control to manage user permissions. - User registration, password recovery, and profile management features.

  • User Interface (UI)

    - Intuitive and responsive design using modern front-end frameworks - Mobile-friendly design ensuring usability on various devices.

  • API Development

    - RESTful API endpoints for data access and manipulation. - API authentication and rate limiting for security and performance. - Detailed API documentation for developers

  • Deployment Support

    - Assistance with deployment on preferred cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP). - CI/CD pipeline setup for automated deployment and updates. - Initial setup support including data migration and configuration.

  • Documentation

    - Comprehensive user guides and manuals for end-users. - Technical documentation for developers, including API references. - Tutorials and example use cases to aid in onboarding. - Maintenance and troubleshooting guides.



Mujtaba Shah

Client • Jul 10, 2024

Working with Gautam has been a positive experience. Great attention to detail, he understood the scope and deliverables of the project very well and required little to none supervision. Great technical skills and highly recommend him! 5*


4 weeks

Skills and tools

Frontend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
Web Developer


Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Software Engineering

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