Pinterest Management — Starter Package 🌟



Quick hire service

About this service


If you already have a Pinterest business account but it's not optimized, or if you need a new one created, this package is the perfect starting point for your business. A minimum of 10 URLs or destination links (blog, podcast, sales page, products, Instagram posts) are required. Are you a coach, course creator, blogger, social media influencer, or e-commerce entrepreneur seeking to drive more traffic, engage with your audience, and boost sales online? Look no further! Inspired shoppers are on Pinterest, waiting for your unique touch. With over 518 million monthly active users, it's where your audience actively seeks inspiration and products like yours.

WHAT YOU'LL GET: 1 fresh pin x 30 days - to be scheduled or manually pinned every day through the native Pinterest scheduler (a total of 30 pins) WHAT'S INCLUDED:

  1. Account Setup/Clean up
  2. Keyword Research
  3. Pin Titles and Descriptions
  4. Pin Creation and Scheduling


  1. Website URL
  2. Pinterest account login details (username and password)
  3. Branding specifications (fonts, color hex codes)
  4. A minimum of 10 URLs or destination links
  5. Your own photos (or I can use free stock photos)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me today!



  1. Free Consultation: Share your project details and goals, so we can discuss how to get started.
  2. You Decide to Work With Me: Purchase your chosen package. (Yay! 🎉)
  3. Requirements: Send over any materials and info you have (website URL, Pinterest login details, branding specifications, photos, etc.)
  4. Content Creation: I’ll create and design engaging Pinterest content for you.
  5. Scheduling: I’ll take care of scheduling and publishing your Pinterest pins as planned, so you can watch your Pinterest presence grow! 🚀


  • Can you promise me a sale?

    I wish I could guarantee a sale, but unfortunately, I can’t. While I work hard to optimize your Pinterest presence and attract potential customers, I have no control over individual buying decisions. My goal is to help you create a compelling Pinterest strategy and reach your target audience, but the final decision to purchase is always up to the customer.

  • Do I need to blog?

    You don't have to, but adding new content is better—like blog posts, Instagram posts, or podcasts—because Pinterest favors fresh content. Also, if you want to grow your email list, consider adding an opt-in form for each new piece of content you publish.

  • Do I need to update you on new content?

    Not required at all! I will check your blog or Instagram post for updates. However, please feel free to send over new links or let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to prioritize.

  • How long does it take to get traffic from Pinterest?

    Pinterest is a long-term marketing strategy rather than a "quick fix" and it will take more time if you don't upload fresh pins regularly. It varies based on how much time and effort you’re willing to put into it.

What's included

  • 🌟Daily pinning:

    1 fresh pin x 30 days - to be scheduled or manually pinned every day through the native Pinterest scheduler (a total of 30 pins)


30 days

Skills and tools

Graphic Designer
SEO Specialist
Social Media Manager


Search Engine
Visual Search
Social Media

Work with me