Professional financial valuation and business consultancy



Quick hire service

About this service


I am a management consultant / valuation expert with 20+ years of experience. I specialize in financial business valuation, and business consultancy services, as well as business coaching empowering business owners and startups to succeed in their businesses. In case you are looking for collaboration with a seasoned professional, I am very happy to support your personal and business growth.


  1. 30 minutes consulting on the business, and valuation specifics of the project, any questions and specific requirements.
  2. Client orders project, and shares all available assumptions, actual and forecast data, available material on the financial model.
  3. Client and consultant discusses any open questions, assumptions on possible missing data points
  4. Consultant prepare financial model and supporting analytics
  5. Consultant and Client reviews and updates financial model and supporting data
  6. Consultant prepares any sensitivity analyses, additional supporting tables, documents, and pitch deck.
  7. Final review of the modeling package and supporting consulting questions.
  8. Client approves financial model, supporting tables and pitch deck.

What's included

  • Equity valuation and DCF model for your company with accompanied financial analysis and consulting

    In case you are looking for fundraising for your business, or need a comprehensive financial model and business valuation to track the financial health of your company. In case you are looking for financial projections and analysis to forecast your business growth, then outsource to a professional financial modeling service provider.


1 week

Skills and tools

Financial Consultant
Business Consultant
Business Strategist
Google Analytics
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft PowerPoint


Information Technology

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