Electron Developer with Desktop-App Development Experience

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About this service


I'm offering a service focused on creating cross-platform desktop applications using Electron, leveraging my expertise in web technologies and desktop app development. What sets me apart is my ability to blend my background in front-end development with a deep understanding of Electron's capabilities, allowing me to craft sophisticated, native-like applications that run seamlessly across Windows, macOS, and Linux. My unique approach ensures a smooth transition from web development to desktop application creation, utilizing the vast ecosystem and community support that Electron offers, thereby delivering high-quality, efficient solutions tailored to your needs.

What's included

  • Cross-Platform Desktop Application

    A fully functional desktop application compatible with macOS, Windows, and Linux, leveraging Electron's ability to run on all major operating systems

  • Customized User Interface

    A native graphical user interface tailored to the client's specifications, including customized application window appearance, menus, dialogs, and notifications, ensuring a seamless integration with the operating system

  • Integrated Web Technologies

    Utilization of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with the option to integrate popular libraries and frameworks like React, Vue.js, Angular, and TypeScript, providing a rich and interactive user experience

  • Backend Support via Node.js

    Backend functionalities powered by Node.js, enabling server-side scripting and allowing the application to interact with databases, perform computations, and handle other server-side operations efficiently

  • Optimized Performance

    Optimized performance for smoother content loading and user interactions, thanks to Electron's Chromium engine, ensuring a fast and responsive application

  • Distribution Package

    A distribution package ready for submission to the Mac App Store, Microsoft Store, or Snap Store, ensuring broad accessibility to potential users across different platforms

Skills and tools

Desktop Apps Development


Desktop Apps
Software Engineering

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