Manuscript Critique



Quick hire service

About this service


This is also called an editorial assessment. In this process, I will read your manuscript ONCE and provide my feedback on character, stakes, plot, and more. You will receive an editorial letter based on my reading on how to further improve your manuscript.

Please note that a manuscript critique is usually done before beta readers (or alongside beta readers if you’re constrained for time).


I read your manuscript once and plot a reverse outline.

As I read, I check for the following: character arcs (internal conflicts), plot progression (external conflicts), stakes (how the story works with the character's goals, fears, motivations), and other issues if necessary (pacing, voice, setting).

Please note: I use one of several story structures with this process based on the genre of the story (Save the Cat, Three-Act, Hero's Journey, Seven-Act).

If you have used a specific story structure for your manuscript, please let me know.


  • What is the difference between a manuscript critique and a developmental edit?

    A manuscript critique is the shorter form of a developmental edit, where the manuscript is read once and overall feedback is provided. A developmental edit requires at least two readings of the manuscript, delving deeper into the various elements of a story. Both receive editorial letters after the final reading; however, the editorial letter for a manuscript critique is shorter than one provided for a developmental edit. A manuscript with in-line comments is generally attached with a developmental edit as reference.

  • Do you provide developmental editing?

    Please see the list of services I currently provide under 'Services'.

  • What makes you qualified?

    I have a certificate in Literary Representation from UCLA Extension, where I've taken classes and provided developmental and other forms of editing in order to improve manuscripts for publication. I'm also a fellow writer, having written six novels, while studying the writing craft for over a decade through creative writing classes, workshops, and other settings.

  • Will you provide a manuscript critique for a novel with more than 60,000 words?

    Yes; however the rates are higher for a larger project. Please inquire prior to hiring.

What's included

  • Manuscript Critique

    I will read your manuscript once and provide my feedback on character, stakes, plot, and more. Up to 60,000 words only. Please note that a manuscript critique is usually done before beta readers (or alongside beta readers if you’re constrained for time).


4 weeks

Skills and tools

Content Editor
Google Docs
Microsoft Word

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