Do you think that good texts or script videos would boost your website or blog?"
Hi there, I am Iván Téllez, a scientific and gastronomic journalist, with a wide experience in writing journalistic texts, which means I have the advantage of knowing what people want to read and how to do it.
To grow your website or blog, with valuable content for your audiences, I offer you texts about any topic related to:
Hoteles and restaurants recommendations
Prices may be a little different from other writers on the platform, due to journalistic work has a greater research, interviews with experts, databases, etc. So it's a complete work.
These texts can be written in Spanish, English, or Slovak language, at a professional level, with researching involved, as well as presented in a way that enhances interest to people.
The texts can be both: a journalistic article, or a script for a video, so do not hesitate to ask about it.
Do not forget to check out the packages' prices, from $100! USD.
If you have any questions, contact me! I will gladly answer all your doubts.