Framer Landing Page (Design & Development)



Quick hire service

About this service


I will create a visually striking landing page in Framer that positions your brand as a leading authority in your niche.


→ Initial Consultation: We'll discuss project requirements, the scope, your ideas, needs, and wants.

→ Discovery & Research: I’ll review your existing materials and style guides to ensure we’re aligned with your brand’s identity and objectives, paving the way for an effective design strategy

→ Design & Development: Th fun begins - I’ll craft your landing page in Framer, focusing on a seamless, intuitive design.

→ Ongoing Communication: We’ll stay connected through Contra Messaging, allowing for efficient updates and quick resolutions.

→ Final Review: Before we finalise, you’ll have the chance to thoroughly review the site to confirm it meets your expectations and requirements.

→ Launch & Delivery: Once everything is polished and approved, I’ll hand over the completed Framer project, and we'll launch your website together.

→ Post-Launch Support: Our commitment continues for two weeks after launch, offering ongoing support to ensure your site’s smooth operation and success.


  • How long does the project take?

    The timeline varies based on the project’s complexity. Generally, you can expect the landing page to be ready in about 1 to 2 weeks.

  • Can you integrate the landing page with my existing domain?

    Yes, we can seamlessly integrate the new landing page with your current website infrastructure.

  • Do you offer unlimited revisions?

    Yes, although most of my clients are happy with the original design, we want to get it right until you're 100% happy.

  • How often will you update me?

    You can expect regular updates, clear explanations, and easy ways to reach me with any questions or feedback.

What's included

  • Landing Page in Framer

    You will receive a fully functional, stunning landing page, developed in Framer and ready for public launch. Includes custom animations, engaging interactions and compelling copywriting.

  • Mobile Responsive Design

    Your landing page will be fully responsive across all devices, including mobile.

  • Fast Turnaround

    I've done this for a while! I can confidently ensure that your page will be publish-ready in just 1-2 weeks.

  • High Quality Mockups

    Receive high quality mockups of you landing page, serving as a visual prototype of the website layout and its elements.

  • Framer Remix URL

    Upon project completion, you will get the Framer Remix Link to duplicate the deliverable with your account and be ready to go live!



Aaron Burns • Consultancy ab

Client • Sep 15, 2024

Ed made me a website I could be proud of, he was efficient and very creative. I have recommended him to other members of my network


2 weeks

Skills and tools

Framer Developer
Framer Designer

Work with me