Expert Contract Drafting Service

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About this service


I provide expert contract drafting services for a wide range of agreements, including software development, business operations, real estate, and more. Whether you're an entrepreneur, company, or individual, I craft customized contracts tailored to your global needs, ensuring clarity and protection wherever you operate. Stand out from competitors with my diverse expertise and commitment to exceeding your expectations.

What's included

  • Business Operation Agreements:

    Service Agreement: Agreement outlining the scope of services, performance standards, timelines, compensation, confidentiality obligations, and dispute resolution procedures. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect sensitive information. Shareholders Agreement: Agreement governing the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, including voting rights, dividend distributions, transfer restrictions, and dispute resolution procedures. Buy-Sell Agreement outlining procedures for the sale or transfer of shares between shareholders.

  • Equity and Securities Agreements:

    Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) Agreement: Plan Document outlining eligibility, vesting schedules, allocation formulas, and repurchase provisions. Share Option Agreement for individual employee grants. Trust Agreement establishing and governing the ESOP trust. Stock Purchase and Transfer Agreement: Agreement for the sale and purchase of company shares, including representations and warranties, purchase price calculations, closing conditions, and transfer restrictions. Stock option exercise notice and stock certificate transfer forms.

  • Software Development Agreements:

    Software Development Agreement: Defines the scope of work, deliverables, timeline, payment terms, acceptance criteria, intellectual property ownership, warranties, and dispute resolution for software development projects. Master Services Agreement (MSA): An umbrella agreement outlining general terms and conditions for ongoing software development work with a client. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): Protects confidential information shared during the development process. Software License Agreement: Governs the use and distribution rights of the developed software. Acceptance Testing Plan and Report: Defines the criteria and results of testing to confirm the software meets requirements. Source Code Escrow Agreement: Ensures access to the source code in case of developer failure or abandonment. Maintenance and Support Agreement: Outlines terms for post-development support, bug fixes, and updates. API License Agreement: Governs access and use of application programming interfaces developed as part of the project.

  • Real Estate Agreements:

    Commercial Lease Agreement: Agreement outlining the terms of the lease, including rent, duration, use restrictions, maintenance responsibilities, and termination clauses. Amendment Agreements to modify existing lease terms.

  • Other Agreements:

    Independent Contractor Agreement: Defines the relationship between the drafter and the client when working as an independent contractor. Non-Compete Agreement: Restricts the drafter from working with competitors for a specified period. Confidentiality Agreement: Protects private information disclosed during the contracting process. Engagement Letter: Briefly outlines the key terms of the project before drafting a formal agreement. Dispute Resolution Agreement: Establishes the process for resolving any disagreements that may arise. Severability Clause: Ensures the remaining portions of the agreement remain valid even if a specific clause is deemed unenforceable. Assignment Clause: Specifies whether the agreement can be assigned to another party. Governing Law Clause: Specifies the legal jurisdiction that governs the interpretation and enforcement of the agreement.


3 days

Skills and tools

Legal Advisor
Google Docs
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Word


Contact Management
Legal Tech

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