Streamlining Business with SOPs

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About this service


I can help your business develop standard operating procedures, for various workflows, this could be how you invoice clients, how to upload content across various media platforms, or how you onboard new clients, to give a few examples. Standard operating procedures are important, when onboarding new team members and streamlining operations since everyone knows how certain operations should be done.

What's included

  • 1 Standard Operating Procedure for a workflow

    I will write out the scope of the SOP and give a context to when this SOP should be used. Then, I will write a step-by-step guide, to doing a specific procedure.



Christine Scheel-Hincke

Client • Dec 7, 2023

Linnea har været ansat som fundraiser og netværksskaber i foreningen Pigeliv. Linnea har bidraget med kommunikativ og international viden og formidling, som har understøttet foreningen og sikret økonomisk vækst. Hun har varetaget komplekse fondsansøgninger, SoMe både strategisk og praktisk samt udarbejdet materiale til tryk. Hun har praktisk viden og forståelse for piger i udsatte positioner, som gør at hun har præsteret både akademisk og praktisk. Største anbefaling herfra!

Skills and tools

Operations Manager

Google Docs

G Suite