First 5k Pass

Starting at



About this service


A First 5k Pass offers a thorough evaluation of your manuscript, combining developmental feedback and line editing.
The focus is on improving your opening, hook, premise, characterization, and world-building. You'll also receive line-by-line edits to enhance your writing style and voice as needed.
Due to NDAs and the nature of fiction editing, I am unable to provide samples of my work. However, please head over to my testimonial page to see what other writers are saying.
This service is ideal for:
querying writers seeking feedback
new authors looking to refine their skills
self-publishing writers determining their editing requirements before publication.
My Rate:
5k words and under: $150
5k-10k words: $300
Manuscripts under 100,000 words take 4-6 weeks.
Manuscripts over 100,000 words take 6-8 weeks.
Can't wait to hear about your story,
Kourtney ✌🏼

What's included

  • An annotated copy of your first 5,000 words, including:

    Heavy marginal comments, line edits with track changes, a short (1-2 page) cover letter summarizing strengths and weaknesses, and links to craft resources where applicable


1 week

Skills and tools

Content Editor



