📊 Unlocking Insights: Your Data Analyzed, Decoded and Delivered

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About this service


Are your data a mess? Do you need insightful and interactive dashboards but has no idea how to do it? And what about statistics metrics, the calculations are too complicated, ain't they? Don't worry, I'm here for you.
Cleaning and transforming your data, getting useful insights applying Statistics and Probabilities, creating dashboards and even modelling Machine Learning Algorithms for your data. All of it in a simple and clear way.
Remember: every data's tale needs a narrator 😁


Data cleaning adding default names to the variables, dealing with missing values, applying feature engineering for more detailed variables and dropping non-useful variables;
Statistic analysis with interactive and non-interactive plots;
Development of Machine Learning Models;
Dashboard Construction.


  • What programming language is used in your work?

    Python is the preferable programming language, but others can be used accordingly to the clients needs, such as R and Julia.

  • Are the Streamlit Dashboards hosted?

    The client can choose the way in this kind of delivery, where 1) only the dashboard files are delivered (the results are only available for the client machine; 2) or the results are uploaded into Streamlit Free Cloud Service, making the results available for everyone that has access to the URL.

  • How to see the results when the chosen delivery method is Interactive Python Notebook?

    You must have three things installed on your machine: 1) Python Programming Language; 2) Jupyter Notebook/Lab IDE; 3) and the Python Packages listed in the "requirements.txt" that follows up the Interactive Notebook.

What's included

  • Clean, Transformed and Formatted Dataset File

    A clear, transformed and formatted dataset in CSV or XLSX format.

  • Interactive Python Notebook

    A Jupyter Notebook file developed in Python describing all insights with texts, interactive plots and non-interactive plots.

  • Streamlit Dashboard

    A live dashboard developed with Streamlit.

  • Power BI Dashboard

    An insightful dashboard developed with Microsoft Power BI.

  • Others

    Others way of delivery according to the client needs.

Skills and tools

Data Modelling Analyst
Data Scientist
Data Analyst
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Power BI

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