Brand Identity - Extensive Package



Quick hire service

About this service


This service is perfect for entrepreneurs seeking a fresh visual identity that truly embodies their unique business values and goals or a dynamic refresh of their current branding ✨

This is ideal for you if-

  • You want to create a deep and lasting brand impression in your market.
  • You value a holistic approach that covers all aspects of your brand's identity.
  • You're willing to invest in a comprehensive branding exercise to achieve long-term success.
  • You seek a fully immersive experience to ensure your brand is a true reflection of your vision and values.
  • You're an established brand looking to refine and strengthen your brand identity.
What Does The Process Look Like? 🕵️‍♀️


  • We'll kick things off with a personalized 1:1 call / comprehensive brand questionnaire. This questionnaire will explore essential aspects of your brand, such as brand values, competitors, vision, target audience, tone, and brand voice. By understanding these key elements, we can gain valuable insights into your product or services, enabling us to make informed design decisions that align perfectly with your brand.

*Mood Boards X 2:

  • Using insights from our discussion and questionnaire, we conduct additional research and apply our behind-the-scenes magic. We curate 2 distinctive mood boards that showcase captivating images, fonts, color schemes, packaging ideas, aesthetics, and more. These mood boards offer a visual preview of our intended creative direction, giving you a glimpse before we delve into the design process.
  • Once the mood board presentation is shared, you can review and choose the one that best aligns with your brand's vision. This selected mood board will act as the guiding north star for the project's creative direction.

Brand Concept Presentation:

  • Guided by the creative direction set in the previous stage, we craft a unique brand concept. The concept includes a meticulously crafted logo, a well-defined color palette, unique typefaces, brand elements, and examples of real-life applications through mockups.
  • This presentation highlights the reasoning behind the design choices, illustrating how each concept aligns with your brand values, goals, and target audience.


  • Once you've selected the brand concept that resonates with you the most, we'll fine-tune it further based on your feedback. It's a very collaborative process and offers 2 rounds of revisions on the assets market with *.

Final Delivery:

  • As we wrap up our journey together, we're excited to hand over the final files. You'll receive the complete set of files in all the relevant formats, so you're fully equipped to embody your brand identity across various platforms and mediums.
  • You're now ready to unveil the brand of your dreams to the world! ✨🎉💛

What's included

  • Logo Design

    I will craft an iconic and memorable logo that encapsulates your brand's essence, leaving a lasting impression on your audience.

  • Color Palette

    i will develop a harmonious and impactful color scheme, reflecting the personality and values of your brand for a unified visual experience.

  • Typography

    I will curate a typography selection that not only enhances readability but also complements your brand's tone, conveying a consistent and recognizable message.

  • Brand Imagery

    I will define the visual style for your brand, including photography guidelines and image treatments, creating a compelling and authentic brand narrative.

  • Iconography

    I will design unique and recognizable icons or symbols, contributing to a cohesive visual language that reinforces your brand identity across various applications.

  • Revision Rounds

    Included in the package are 2 rounds of revisions for each deliverable. This allows us to collaborate closely, refining the elements until they align perfectly with your vision.

  • Brand Guideines

    I will provide you with a document that acts as detailed reference and an introduction to your brand to empower your team in upholding the integrity of your brand identity.



Chad Hagan

Client • Jan 24, 2024

I really can't recommend Sasha enough! I've worked with her on several projects across multiple clients, and she is my go-to art director. Sasha is very smart, able to quickly grasp any given creative situation, and always comes to the table with outside-the-box ideas. She coordinates effectively with both internal and external teams, and is an excellent teammate. Work with Sasha - your brand will thank you!


6 weeks

Skills and tools

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Digital Marketer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe XD

Work with me