IOS build file

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About this service


I will generate and share the iOS build file for your React Native project. If any issues or bugs are encountered during the build process, I will identify and fix them to ensure a smooth and error-free build. Let me know if you have any specific requirements!


Process for Generating & Sharing iOS Build File
Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what you (as the customer) need to provide, what I (as the developer) will do, and how the process works.
1. Customer Provides:
✅ Complete React Native project source code (GitHub/ZIP file) ✅ Apple Developer account access (if needed for signing) ✅ Any specific requirements or configurations for the build
2. Developer (Me) Will Do:
🔹 Setup & Review
Check the project structure, dependencies, and configurations.
Ensure all required packages and libraries are installed.
🔹 Dependency Installation
Run npm install / yarn install to install project dependencies.
Run pod install inside the ios folder to install CocoaPods dependencies.
🔹 Xcode Configuration
Open the project in Xcode (ios/YourProject.xcworkspace).
Set up the correct Bundle Identifier and Signing & Capabilities using your Apple Developer account.
🔹 Build & Debug
Run npx react-native run-ios or build through Xcode.
If any issues arise during the build, debug and fix them (e.g., dependency issues, Xcode configuration problems).
🔹 Generate iOS Build File (IPA)
Archive the project in Xcode (Product → Archive).
Export the IPA file for Ad Hoc, Enterprise, or App Store Distribution, as required.
3. Deliverables (What Customer Gets):
✅ The finalized iOS build file (IPA) ✅ A detailed report of any fixes or modifications made ✅ Instructions on how to install or deploy the build
4. How It Works:
1️⃣ You provide the project and Apple Developer details. 2️⃣ I configure, build, and debug the iOS version. 3️⃣ If any issues occur, I fix them. 4️⃣ I generate the IPA file. 5️⃣ I share the build file with you for testing or deployment.

What's included

  • Build file for IOS

    I will generate and share the iOS build file for your React Native project. If any issues or bugs are encountered during the build process, I will identify and fix them to ensure a smooth and error-free build. Let me know if you have any specific requirements!


1 week

Skills and tools

iOS Developer

Mobile Engineer



React Native
