Circuit analysis, solving and simulation

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About this service


As a provider of circuit solving, analysis, and simulation services, I offer a wide range of solutions to help clients with their circuit design and optimization needs. Here are some of the specific services I offer:
Circuit analysis: I can analyze circuits to determine their performance characteristics, including voltage and current levels, frequency response, and power consumption.
Circuit simulation: I can use simulation software to create accurate models of circuits, helping clients to optimize circuit designs and identify potential issues.
Circuit optimization: I can help clients to optimize their circuit designs for performance, cost, and other factors, taking into account a range of design parameters.
Circuit troubleshooting: I can help clients to identify and resolve issues with existing circuit designs, whether through simulation or hands-on testing.
Custom circuit design: I can design custom circuits to meet specific requirements or industry standards, using the latest design tools and techniques.

What's included

  • Circuit Solution

    Solution of your circuit

  • Simulation

    Running time simulation if needed.

  • Documentation

    Working details of circuit solution

Example projects

Skills and tools

Systems Engineer

Logic Pro


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weekly rate, As required by client

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