Comprehensive API Development and Integration Services

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About this service



What's included

  • API Codebase

    Complete, well-documented source code of the API. Organized directory structure with clear separation of concerns (e.g., controllers, models, services, configurations).

  • Testing

    Unit tests and integration tests for API endpoints using frameworks like PyTest or UnitTest. Detailed test reports showing test coverage and results.

  • Deployment

    Scripts for deploying the API to the desired environment. Environment configuration files with necessary settings for different environments.

  • Authentication and Security

    Implementation of authentication mechanisms. Applied security practices like rate limiting, input validation, and protection against common vulnerabilities.

  • Monitoring and Logging

    Configuration for monitoring the API. Logging configuration to capture API logs.

  • Database Integration

    Defined and documented database schema. Database migration scripts for setting up and updating the database schema.

  • Maintenance Plan

    Documentation outlining regular maintenance tasks, such as updating dependencies, monitoring performance, and handling backups.

  • Performance Testing

    Results from performance testing show the API's load capacity, response times, and scalability.

  • Support and Handoff

    A defined period of post-deployment support for handling any immediate issues or bugs. A meeting to walk through the API, its features, and deployment steps with the client or their team.

Skills and tools

Backend Engineer
ML Engineer
Data Engineer
Django REST framework


Software Engineering
Web Apps
Web Development

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