Professional Wordpress Ecommerce Website Development



Quick hire service

About this service


Are you looking to establish a robust online presence for your business and drive sales to new heights? Look no further! As an experienced WordPress developer, Get a custom WordPress e-commerce website tailored to your brand.

I specialize in creating dynamic and user-friendly e-commerce websites tailored to your unique needs. Expert in WooCommerce, responsive design, SEO, and security. Let's elevate your online presence today!

What's included

  • Online Store E-commerce webstie

    Project Start Project initiation meeting and discussion of requirements. Approval of project scope, objectives, and timeline.

  • Planning Phase

    Detailed project plan outlining tasks, timelines, and resources. Wireframes and mockups for website layout and design. Approval of project plan and design mockups.

  • Development Phase

    WordPress installation and basic setup. Theme development and customization based on approved design. Integration of essential plugins for e-commerce functionality (e.g., WooCommerce). Development of product pages, category pages, and navigation structure. Implementation of shopping cart and checkout process. Integration of payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe, Cash n delivery). Implementation of user account management and registration. Custom coding for any specific functionalities as per project requirements.

  • Content Management

    Integration of content management system for easy content updates. Upload and formatting of product images, descriptions, and prices of 20 Products. Testing and validation of content management functionalities.

  • Quality Assurance

    Comprehensive testing of the website for cross-browser compatibility. Testing of responsive design for various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile). Functional testing of shopping cart, checkout, and payment processes. Identification and resolution of any bugs or issues.

  • Security and Performance Optimization

    Implementation of SSL certificate for secure transactions. Setup of security measures to protect against potential threats. Performance optimization for fast page loading.

  • Training

    Training sessions for website administrators on content management.

  • Launch and Deployment

    Final review and approval from client. Deployment of the website to the live server. Monitoring for any issues during the initial launch

  • Post-Launch Support

    Addressing any post-launch issues or bugs. Providing ongoing free support for a one month.

  • Project Closure

    Final project review meeting with client. Handover of all project documentation and assets. Closure of the project and transition to ongoing maintenance.

  • Notes

    All deliverables will be subject to client approval at various stages. The timeline for the project may be adjusted based on the complexity and size of the website. Regular communication and status updates will be provided throughout the project. This list is a starting point and can be customized based on the specific requirements and preferences of the client.


1 week

Skills and tools

Web Designer
Web Developer
Website CSS


Web Development
Web Design
Mobile Apps

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