My name is Daud and I am a professional content writer and a Mechanical Engineer, with a keen interest in the tech world and PC building universe.
Why you should choose me?
Well, first of all, I am an extremely dedicated writer.
Wait... Isn't that what every other person would say?
Definitely! But what makes me unique is that I take Pride in my Work, which keeps me motivated to deliver my BEST POSSIBLE work ever single time, leading to ultimate client satisfaction.
I should also mention that keeping up with technology is kind of my hobby and I am sort of a PC enthusiast. So, I have a NEED to know every time a new tech or PC component gets announced. This let's my inner conscience engage in the war between Intel vs AMD (LOL).
My Offerings:
Well-Researched content
Engaging & Creative Throughout
Natural use of SEO friendly words
Easy to Read
Plagiarism free and
Unique content
And MOST IMPORTANTLY, my Team-Player attitude. I will provide you the services to the best of my abilities, so you get your own satisfaction as well as the expected benefits (probably even more than your expectations!)