Fullstack Development

  • Source Code

    The complete and well-documented source code.

  • README File

    Detailed instructions on how to set up, run, and use the code.

  • Unit Tests

    Test cases to verify the functionality and correctness of the code.

  • Build Scripts

    Scripts or instructions to compile/build the project.

  • Dependencies

    A list or a file (e.g., `package.json`, `requirements.txt`) of all dependencies and libraries used.

  • Documentation

    Comprehensive documentation of the codebase, including API documentation, if applicable.

  • Changelog

    A log of all changes made, useful for version tracking. 8. Deployment Scripts: Scripts or instructions for deploying the code to a specified environment.

  • Code Quality Reports

    Reports from any code quality or static analysis tools used.

  • Configuration Files

    Any necessary configuration files required to run the application.

  • License File

    An appropriate license file indicating the usage rights.

Contact for pricing

Skills and tools

Backend Engineer

Frontend Engineer

Fullstack Engineer






