🧳 Basic Notion Workspace setup 🧳



Quick hire service

About this service


✨ All notes, process docs, and project discussions in one place ✨

Have you been wanting to create a notion dashboard but just don't know where to start? I understand; Notion can be overwhelming.

What can you store on Notion?

  • All process docs in one place
  • Meeting notes database
  • Templates database
  • Content calendar and a plan
  • Knowledge hub
  • Personal relationship manager
  • Project manager
  • and so much more

and yes, I create a custom dashboard for you.

My Process

  1. Consultation - get to know your notion dashboard vision, business needs, and current setup. We'll dive deep into how you'd like to use this Notion setup and what you're trying to solve.
  2. Audit - where I'll current workflows and systems and find ways to improve it before integrating to Notion.
  3. Design - this is the stage where I'll create your entire Notion system. This includes everything from database setup to automations.
  4. Review - we'll hop on a call to review the Notion system I've created and tweak things that need to be changed.
  5. Edit - this stage is for editing and adding other pages based on the review session
  6. Client handover - once edits are done, I'll deliver the final notion setup including all documentation and helpful resources.

Post implementation support - I'll be available for post-implementation support to address any questions, concerns, or additional adjustments.

What's included

  • 📲 Initial Consultation

    Schedule a consultation call to discuss your specific requirements and vision for the Notion dashboard. We'll explore your business needs, preferred structure, and desired features.

  • 🗓️ Assessment and Planning

    Review existing data, content, and workflows to determine the optimal structure for your Notion dashboard. Collaboratively plan the layout, key elements, and functionalities based on your workflow and goals.

  • 🖌️ Custom Design

    Develop a custom design for your Notion dashboard, ensuring it aligns with your brand aesthetics and usability preferences. Incorporate relevant databases, tables, and views to support your specific use cases. This also includes database integration, template setup, and automation implementation.

  • 🕵️ Review and Feedback

    Conduct a review session to gather feedback and make any necessary adjustments. Iterate on the design and functionality based on your preferences and user experience.

  • 🤓 User Training

    Provide personalized training sessions and add video tutorial to familiarize you and your team with the Notion dashboard. Offer guidance on updating, adding, and managing content within the dashboard

  • 🚚 Final Delivery and handover

    Deliver the finalized Notion dashboard, complete with documentation and resources for ongoing use. Ensure all elements are functional and aligned with your expectations.



Ben Huffman • Contra

Client • Dec 8, 2023

Jelly really helped me get more organized, from my meetings to my inbox and calendar. Highly recommended for leaders who need help and support in their day to day. Thanks again for everything Jelly!

Jeanne Keith Felipe

Freelancer • Nov 8, 2023

Ms. Jelly has a vision and I know she'll be helping a lot of Filipinos to be top calibre executive enablers. I'm grateful that she chose me to be part of her project. I am overjoyed and excited to see the transformation of her brand.

Jelly built out our notion dashboards for SOPs and onboarding new clients, she was amazing and did the work to an even better level than we expected. Not only was her quality of work very strong, but also her responses, and ability to work to a deadline. She delivered all of the projects early.

Steve Morin • ConceptM

Client • Aug 14, 2023

Great work I have been impressed

Tina Greenbaum

Client • Aug 11, 2023

Jelly May is a gem. She is smart, proactive, and a great team member. I would highly recommend her for any position she applies for. She is both technically savvy and a perfect person to represent your company to your customers. You wouldl be lucky to have her.


3 days

Skills and tools

Virtual Assistant
Project Manager

Work with me