Fully Responsive Website
Khalid Hamid
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About this service
What's included
💬 Free Initial Consultation
Please click on that listed service for more details.
💡 Concept
Exploring design themes, including being inspired by other similar work, suitable for your brand/personality. It's important for the agreed concept to focus on your targeted audience, leading to a specific, compelling, credible, scalable and customised design solution.
📰 Wireframe
Creating low-fidelity greyscale pages with multiple sections. This is a visual representation of the whole website, showing hierarchy, layout, etc. Place holders will be used for the text and images that will come in the next stage.
🎨 Mockup
Updating the website to including colour theme, branding, imagery and text, showcasing the final look and feel. To complete this stage, the finalised company logo, photography, copyright (titles, headings and body) and all product/service details, etc. will need to be available. If this content has already been created and provided by you, it can quickly be integrated, considerably reducing the time and cost of this stage. If not, that's fine and will be taken into account within the Proposal and Agreement to include content creation services.
💥 Prototype
Bringing the mockup to life, an interactive user friendly website. The mockup will then go thorough testing of its functionality and navigation, refinening it to ensure complete and smooth site flow.
🚀 Launch
Finally, we transfer the website to your domain and launch your website!
Example projects
Brilliant result and extra points for exceptionally convenient and agile customer support! Khalid made my website with a speedy turnaround, efficiency and an immaculate eye for beautiful features. I am delighted with my new website. I felt supported, had fun collaborating, and now know whom to contact for further improvements. TOP! : )
It’s been fantastic working with Khalid and his team. They managed the maintenance of my website and did seasonal updates and promotions. In addition to a website that quickly opens and is easy to navigate, Khalid assisted us with design and formatting solutions for our bottle label design. They’re truly a team of artists and web developers!
Skills and tools
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