Spring boot micro service development

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About this service


I offer comprehensive development of Spring Boot micro services with MySQL/Any Other SQL database integration, encompassing project setup, database design, core implementation, security, testing, and deployment. My approach ensures a robust, scalable, and secure service with thorough documentation and performance optimisation. What makes me unique is my emphasis on advanced monitoring and logging setups to ensure reliability and maintainability.

What's included

  • Project Setup

    Initial Spring Boot project configured with necessary dependencies (e.g., Spring Data JPA, MySQL connector). Basic application structure adhering to microservice architecture principles.

  • Database Configuration

    Database Schema Design: ER diagrams and schema documentation. SQL scripts for schema creation and seed data. Configuration files for connecting to MySQL, including application properties with secure credential handling.

  • Microservice Implementation

    RESTful API endpoints adhering to OpenAPI/Swagger specifications. Service layer implementing business logic. Repository layer for database interactions using Spring Data JPA. Implementation of entity classes representing database tables. Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) for request and response payloads.

  • Security Configuration

    Implementation of security mechanisms (e.g., JWT, OAuth2) for securing endpoints. Role-based access control and user authentication setup.

  • Monitoring and Logging

    Integration with monitoring tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana). Setup of centralised logging (e.g., ELK stack) for tracking and troubleshooting.

  • Deployment Scripts

    Dockerfile for containerizing the microservice. Kubernetes manifests or Docker Compose files for deploying the microservice in various environments.

Skills and tools

Backend Engineer
Fullstack Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Spring Boot



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