3D Animation

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About this service


What's included

  • Kick-off

    1. Confirm the time, location, and project progress. 2. Script. If the client has finalized scripts and/or voiceovers, these should be provided to us at this stage. If we need to handle the scripting or voiceover, we will start working from this stage.

  • Design

    1. Charactor design 2. Scene design 3. Style frames

  • Storyboard

    The storyboard script provides the foundational structure of the animation, allowing for a direct visualization of how dialogue aligns with visuals. Key scenes are clearly presented at this stage, giving the client a preview of how the animation will roughly present the script content. It's worth noting that the stylistic settings provided in the previous stage (Style frame) have already established the visual artistic concept. The storyboard script purely explains the narrative direction of the story, so you can imagine it might be a simple pencil sketch or comic rather than a detailed, colored picture book. Producing animation requires a significant amount of time, so it's crucial to discuss the storyboard script in detail with the client to ensure everyone is moving in the same direction, thus avoiding delays later on. Clients will have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback at this stage, with the number of revisions depending on the initially scheduled timeline and budget.

  • Animatic

    1. 2D Animatic 2. 3D Layout Animatic is an excellent method for integrating everything currently available and can be used to create a rough sample that approximates the timing. Its primary purpose is to present timing, structure, visual rhythm, key movements, and transitions.

  • Production

    1. Modeling 2. Texting 3. Rigging 4. Animation 5. Lighting 6. Rendering

  • Feedback and sign-off

    This process is carried out at every stage of the project until final approval is obtained from the client. Scheduled times for providing feedback should be agreed upon in the timeline to allow clients the opportunity to comment and make revisions. The amount of revisions we can accept at each stage depends on the schedule and budget set at the beginning of the project. Reminding clients to provide feedback is a crucial factor in driving the project forward. Prioritizing revision requests in order of importance is also helpful for internal management within the production team, as it allows us to know where to focus our efforts within the established timeline and budget. During the production stage, we will provide the client with the latest work-in-progress (WIP) versions, typically low-resolution compressed files. The number of WIP versions provided will depend on the schedule and budget of each project. When "approval" and "sign-off" are required, we will submit the final version for confirmation by all stakeholders. This signifies consensus at this stage and allows us to proceed to the next phase.

  • Render and final delivery

    After incorporating the final feedback, we are now ready to provide the client with a low-resolution MP4 file for their final approval. Once they give the thumbs up, we can proceed to export the animation and deliver the high-resolution files. While it's entirely possible to make further modifications at this stage, it will incur additional charges and affect the delivery time of the files, so we will continue to avoid it whenever possible. The process of exporting and delivering the files may take some time, depending on the size and nature of the files we provide. However, when the magic finally reaches the client's hands, it will prove that all the waiting was worth it. And thus, a sparkling new animation that can be shared with the world is born!

Skills and tools

3D Designer
3D Animator
3D Modeler
Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Autodesk Maya


3D Technology
Ad Server

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