Trying to sell your book, eCourse, products or services?
Want to grow your email list substantially?
Get featured on podcasts!
Podcast Services Include
Creating your bio
Creating your podcast topics and talking points
Creating a speaking audio demo to pitch to podcasts in your niche
Contacting podcasts on your behalf to pitch you as a guest
Coordinating the overview/rehearsal meeting with the podcast host based on your calendar availability
Coordinating for you to give away a free offer (i.e. Webinar invite, PDF, eBook, or any other freebie) on the podcast which will help you grow your email list
Help you create the free offer if needed
Coordinating the sale of any paid offers during the podcast (i.e. your book, a course, coaching sessions, workshops, etc.)
Asking for referrals to help you get booked on more podcasts
Asking for a copy of the podcast audio or video so you can use it on your social media accounts and website
Creating 60-second audio or video clips of the podcast to share on your social media accounts