Heuristic Analysis

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About this service


Ever wanted to check if your product was giving the best experience possible? A heuristic analysis can help with doing that.
By correlating the heuristics with your application, we can identify features which can be improved and which are signs of good heuristic usage. With this service, I'll have an in-depth look at your application (whether that be a web or an app), and analyse from a UX point of view. This can then help your team identify features that need to be worked on and can help in strengthening your product.
Note: This service does not involve the designing or redesigning of the product. I will only analyse and give a report on where it can be improved.

What's included

  • Detailed UX analysis

    By correlating with Nielsen's heuristics, I will analyse the entire product. In this manner, we can check if the website follows UX standards and provides customer's with a great experience

  • Heuristic score with screenshot

    While analysing your product, I will take screenshots along the way and directly pinpoint where the heuristic is being brought up, along with a score to show how much this particular feature affects the experience.

  • Scope for improvement

    Wherever there is a scope for improvement, I can make certain small suggestions from a design perspective.

Skills and tools

UX Researcher

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