Receive a custom, short (600-1000+ words), high-quality article for your company's blog or newsletter based on my personal experience as an Appalachian Trail LASHer (Long Ass Section Hiker) and avid day hiker.
Written in a casual, upbeat style that will keep your readers clicking back for more.
Need a piece about gear recommendations, gear modifications, trail food, hitchhiking, female/queer on trail experiences, hike self-care, and much more? I've got your back!
🧄What to Expect🍉
I will set up a Google Doc as our collaboration space.
Before I begin writing, I will need a short paragraph or outline of what you'd like to see, any content that inspired you, and anything that you would like to reference in the article.
Next, I explore your platform to ensure that my writing will match the rest of your content seamlessly.
From here, I'm off to the races! Through the Google Doc you'll be able to see my process and progress as I craft your content.