Want to publish your book? I edit and format manuscripts.

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About this service


A professional writer an editor trained by a New York Times bestselling author, well-versed in the Chicago Manual of Style, and with a diverse array of books I've edited, I help you make your book the best it can be.


  • What genres can you edit?

    Nonfiction: business, memoir, and self-help. Fiction: middle grade, young adult, and adult with a focus on historical, suspense, and coming-of-age.

  • What does your editing process look like?

    I make edits in Microsoft Word with Track Changes ON. This ensures you can see the edits I make, accept the ones you want to keep and reject the ones you don't. Additionally, I leave comments within the document expanding on edit choices, as well as noting areas that I love (who doesn't love some encouragement?).

  • I'm unsure which type of edit I need...can you help me?

    Simply contact me and we can talk further! I'll likely ask to look at a writing sample to better assess your editing needs.

What's included

  • Developmental edit

    This type of edit is one writers use early on in their writing process. As a developmental editor, I look at your manuscript from a macro viewpoint, focusing on the big picture. For fiction: I help you identify structural issues, plot inconsistencies, and character arcs that could be strengthened. For nonfiction: I help you identify structural issues, organization your points for a smoother read, and arguments that could be strengthened.

  • Manuscript critique

    This type of edit is one writers also use early on in their writing process. A manuscript critique entails my reviewing your synopsis and first three chapters. I then provide you with a document detailing areas of strength and weakness, as well as suggestions.

  • Content edit

    This type of edit is the first edit that focuses on enhancing your manuscript through physical changes. I use Track Changes in Microsoft Word so you can see every change I suggest. You can then accept or reject the changes on your own time. Content edits focus on the page and paragraph level of your manuscript: - Is your writing tone best for your audience? - Does your choice of verbiage fit with your plot (fiction) or message (nonfiction)? - Is there anything you should cut our or expand on?

  • Line edit

    In a line edit, I comb through your manuscript line by line with a focus on making your prose the best it can be. I will change individual words to better communicate your message and ensure each line flows into the next.

  • Copy edit

    Once you feel you've completed all the edits you can, it's time for a professional copy edit. In a copy edit, I focus on finding grammar mistakes. At this stage, I also ensure your manuscript adheres to the Chicago Manual of Style industry guidelines.

  • Proofread

    The final edit manuscript goes through before publication, a proofread can take your book from good to great. As a proofreader, I look for any typos or formatting issues that may have previously been missed. The goal of a proofread is to make your manuscript error-free and ready for publication.

Skills and tools

Content Editor
Google Docs
Microsoft Word



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