Squarespace Template Customization



Quick hire service

About this service


I specialize in customizing Squarespace templates. I have 15 years experience with CSS/Javascript and web development, so I don't shy away creating new sections, updating colors, fonts, and adding functionalities for endless customization within our project parameters. I can also leverage ChatGPT, Gemini, Midjourney, and Photoshop's AI functionality to enhance/extend your your current assets and copy.


  1. Kickoff Call - We'll review your business objectives, your template, and discuss the content you want to see on each page.
    1. At this stage all assets and copy should be submitted.
    2. You should also have your own domain details handy, I can assist with this on the call if need be.
    3. If we'll be generating assets/copy with AI, we'll discuss the create direction in depth.
  2. Initial Design - I'll get to work developing the site up to your standards in Squarespace. I'll send screenshots and videos so we agree on fonts and the general direction. As we find alignment, I'll flesh out all the pages for your site, and make sure every section is setup, looks good, and contains the proper content.
  3. First Review - We'll review the initial design on a live call, or I'll send an in-depth video of me reviewing each page. You'll have 48 hours to review the site, sleep on it, and submit any revisions in writing.
    1. At this point you'll receive the development link
    2. Note: There are no limitations to the amount of revisions you can submit, but we will be limited by the project timeline.
  4. Refinement - After your revisions are submitted, I'll get to work implementing them. I'll communicate regarding any important updates as they're ready so you can see them at the development link.
  5. Final Review - We'll review the current design on a live call, or I'll send an in-depth video of me reviewing each page. You'll have 24 hours to review the site, and submit any revisions in writing.
  6. Handover & Training - We'll transfer the new site to your account and handle launch and training.
    1. We'll make sure your Squarespace account is set up and configured correctly with the right plan.
    2. We'll complete the site transfer.
    3. I'll handle configuring your domain so it displays your site.
  7. Maintenance + Updates - Optionally retain me to keep your website running smoothly with built-in bug fixing hours and planned updates.

What's included

  • 4 Pages - Cleanly & Beautifully Customized

    Each page will build on, and enhance the template base in a unique way so your design stands out from the crowd.

  • Mobile-Friendly, Responsive Design 📱

    Your website will look good on every screen size. I test on large desktop screens, small desktop screens, tablets, and mobile devices.

  • Video Training (Loom) 📹

    I will create loom videos for you showing you how to manage every single element of your website.

  • Launch & Post-Launch Support

    I will work with you to handle the launch of your site, and be available to fix bugs for the 2-weeks following.


2 weeks

Skills and tools

Squarespace Website Design

Work with me

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