Brand Clarity Session



Quick hire service

About this service


You have a brand identity already but is it communicating your value clearly and consistently? No matter how you feel about your branding right now, you’ll end this session with the tools and action items you can implement to make your brand work FOR you rather than against you.


  1. Book your brand clarity session.
  2. Schedule your call with the link I send you.
  3. Attend your call, dive deep into your brand identity, and uncover actionable improvements you can make!


  • Do I need to have an existing website or brand visuals?

    Both can be helpful, but they are not necessary. Some aspects of our session touch on auditing your existing branding to see how it's working for you, but we can use the time to brainstorm a brand direction from scratch instead. A website is helpful to see how you're presenting your brand in copy and visuals already, but it is also not necessary.

  • What does this session NOT include?

    While I'll suggest improvements to your brand identity, this session does not include a website or brand re-design. If you would like me to re-design your brand and website, you can apply the investment of this session to a brand + web design package after our call!

What's included

  • Brand Clarity Session

    A 1:1 recorded video call with me where we’ll dive deep into your business to identify the thing that people will go the extra mile to work with you for and diagnose places your brand identity could be better at communicating that value.

  • Documentation PDF

    Written documentation of what we discover and the ideas you can run with!


4 days

Skills and tools

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist

Work with me